ultraviolet detector

英 [ˌʌltrəˈvaɪələt dɪˈtektə(r)] 美 [ˌʌltrəˈvaɪələt dɪˈtektər]

网络  紫外检测器; 紫外吸收检测器; 紫外光探测器



  1. Silicon photodiode vacuum ultraviolet detector
  2. Determination of 1-Hydroxypyrene in Urine by HPLC With Ultraviolet Detector
  3. Extreme ultraviolet radiation detector He looked afar to the beautiful hills and rivers.
  4. Study on main specifications of ultraviolet detector of HPLC and their test methods
  5. Separation of saccharide compounds by RP-HPLC with ultraviolet detector
  6. The Development of Pt/ CdS Schottky Barrier Ultraviolet Detector
  7. The Research of WSZ Extreme Ultraviolet Detector and the Data Acquisition Circuits
  8. The radial compression C 18 column and ultraviolet detector were applied to determination without extraction.
  9. The development and application of domestic and international ultraviolet detector is analyzed at first in this article. By comparing for its performance and cost and combining the ultraviolet detector research status and demand of our country, an image intensified type of CCD detector-ICCD is designed.
  10. Fabrication and Characterization of Backside-illuminated GaN/ AlGaN p-i-n Ultraviolet Detector
  11. Finally, the resent developments of the ultraviolet detector, especially the ultraviolet FPA, are introduced.
  12. An ultraviolet detector with 300 nm was used.
  13. The Design and Application of Width Wavelength Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Detector
  14. Studied the obtaining of Schottky barrier about Pt/ CdS contact and ohm contact about In/ CdS, and made ultraviolet detector on it.
  15. The method for determining Polymyxin E_1 and E_2 in Polymyxin E sulfate by High-performance Liquid Chromatography with ultraviolet detector and 23% acetonitrile in phosphoric acid buffer as mobile phase and Radial-Pak C_ ( 18) Column is reported.
  16. This paper introduced the principles of optical rotatory dispersion ( ORD) and circular dichroism ( CD) chiral detectors, and also discussed the relationship between ORD, CD and ultraviolet detector ( UV).
  17. ZnO-based semiconductor optoelectronic devices include ultraviolet detector, light emitting diodes ( LEDs) and laser diodes ( LDs), etc.
  18. The optoelectronic devices of ultraviolet detector, transducers, short-wavelength light emitting and laser diode etc, have extensive application in optical communication, optical memory, display etc.
  19. A method for determination of iodide in seawater by high performance anion exchange chromatography with ultraviolet detector ( HPAEC-UV) in basic system has been established.
  20. Method The column was packed with ODS, using ethyl parahydroxybenzoate as internal standard. The mobile phase was a mixture of 0.2% ammonium carbonate-acetonitrile-tetrahydrofuran ( 42 ∶ 39 ∶ 19). Chromatography was performed with ultraviolet detector at 238 nm.
  21. The development of ultraviolet warning and its key device is introduced, including the characteristics and development of ultraviolet warning, ultraviolet radiation transmittance and the development of ultraviolet detector.
  22. Analysis and Performance of a High Responsivity GaN Schottky-Barrier Ultraviolet Detector
  23. Dissolved the samples by methanol, with diethyl phthalate as internal standard, the content of diniconazole is separated and determined by means of Liquid Chromatography under high pressure on the ODS column and ultraviolet detector.
  24. The cheap, reliable ultraviolet detector becomes a research hotspot with the development of the ultraviolet detect technology, especially for the ultraviolet detector which is worked at the solar blind range whose wave length is in 240~ 280nm at the surface of the earth.
  25. A novel method, ultrasound-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction coupled with HPLC equipped with fluorescence or ultraviolet detector, was developed for the determination of trace bisphenol A in sediments.
  26. Compares with the evaporation light scattering detector, because the ultraviolet detector the sensitivity is higher than the peak to be many.
  27. Nanocrystalline TiO2 film, with advantages of simple process, stable physical and chemical properties, large surface area, high photoelectric activity, is a ideal material for making low cost ultraviolet detector with high sensitivity.